Monday, August 30, 2010


We sought, We fought, We dismantled the stones,
We cried, We laughed, We teased each other over the phone,
We were a group, We were well known,
Our friendship was eternal & was a kind of its own.

We traveled the land in search of worthy fun,
We kicked our legs & won battle without a gun,
We had no crest, we were the best,
We were the group unlike the rest.

There was a guy bold and shy,
Blessed with talent high up till the sky,
He was my friend, I loved his trend,
He hawked, We rocked, untill a day he left my way.

He misprised my words, My weird words,
For a friend close to our world,
And told me things that peirced my heart & my mind,
I was crumbled, I was sublime as I knew the fault was mine.

I skipped the road & resumed my heart with a heavy load,
And scribed this song to scratch the feelings untold,
I had no tears but I had a pain,
For I love and love my misinterpreting friend.

I like, I love , I treasure him much,
I tune his noises which clamp my bosom with the sweetest touch,
There's nothing eclipsed within our share,
We fight, We quarell but we do care.

We were, We are , We will be on a fuss,
I assure him that there will be none like us.
Oh we ain't gonna stumble with just a knock,
Within few days we'll be back to rock.


  1. its quite a gud poem but i wish if i cud read a happy poem..........if we dun't take it seriously den life is so much fun!!!!!!!

  2. bava..... hatzzzz offf....
    rukZzzz rockzzz.......

  3. Oh thank you saral and thank you sam for posting your comments....
    @sam: ya got u!
    u thought tat its kinda sad poem but you must read its last line...
    which makes the poem optimistic...

  4. b true d poem got a bit uninteresting when d attention was focused on a single guy

  5. Oops...tubelight bn gyi..
    Understood it late. Another emo expressions.
    It rocks»»
